
Citi Credit Cards

Citi has been in Singapore since 1902 and is represented in nearly every asset class. Citi Singapore is the largest foreign banking employer in Singapore, and it is home to strategically important hubs, Innovation Labs and the Asia Pacific Citi Service Center (CSC).

We have businesses with client-focused capabilities, such as the Global Subsidiaries Group (Asia), Citi Private Bank (Global), and International Personal Bank (Global); product focused innovation hubs, such as Global Consumer Bank, the ASEAN Investment Banking Hub, Markets Hub, and the Treasury and Trade Services (TTS) Hub; Innovation Labs, such as the Citi Innovation Lab (TTS) and the Consumer Innovation Lab; and the Asia Pacific Citi Service Centre (CSC) at Changi Business Park.

Compare 4 credit cards from Citi
Annual Fee : $193
Interest Rate : 26.90%
Minimal Income :
Citizen Not Citizen
Transaction Fee : 6% or $15, whichever is higher
Late Payment Fee : $100
Annual Fee : $193
Interest Rate : 26.90%
Minimal Income :
Citizen Not Citizen
Transaction Fee : 6% or $15, whichever is higher
Late Payment Fee : $100
Annual Fee : $193
Interest Rate : 26.90%
Minimal Income :
Citizen Not Citizen
Transaction Fee : 6% or $15, whichever is higher
Late Payment Fee : $100
Annual Fee : $193
Interest Rate : 26.90%
Minimal Income :
Citizen Not Citizen
Transaction Fee : 6% or $15, whichever is higher
Late Payment Fee : $100