5 Best Promo Credit Cards

5 Best Promo Credit Cards

Credit cards are great tools to manage your money and make your way to financial freedom. Take note that this can only happen if you are careful and smart while using credit cards. If you choose to use a credit card for spending sprees and fail to keep track of your budget, you will be caught up with credit card debts and it is going to get tough. 

However, using a credit card wisely and sensibly is the way to go if you want to stretch your budget without risking overspending. Promo credit cards will reward you when you spend. 

It is commendable to see the range of promotions going on for credit cards in this island. We, Singaporeans, are effortlessly attracted to the free gifts, rebates and rewards that we get from credit cards. But, amid too many credit card promotions, how do you choose the best one? And, how do you stay sensible? 

Smart use of credit card promos 

When it comes to promo credit cards, you are not only enjoying the perks that the credit cards are offering, but also the enticing additional welcome gifts. 

To steer away from a hasty credit card choice, you must first know the use of the credit card beyond the free gifts. Consider a credit card if you are planning to use it regularly for your day-to-day expenses. Next, compare the cashback, miles and rebates offers of credit cards to help you decide the best one according to your spending habits. Lastly, sign up for a promo credit card when you are a new customer to the bank. This is your chance to maximise your credit card use. 

5 Best Promo Credit Cards

Top 5 promo credit cards that you should not miss!

There are plenty of on-going credit card promotions that you certainly would not want to miss. Here’s a list of five best promo credit cards that you can make the most out of the deals. 

HSBC Revolution Credit Card

The HSBC Revolution Credit Card comes with a big reward plan. From everyday groceries to frequent travelling, this credit card gives you the best deal with no annual fee to be worried about. Sign up to reward yourself with free gifts worth S$200 of Lazada and RedMart vouchers. You could also opt for cashback worth S$180 with Lazada and RedMart vouchers worth S$20 when you sign up online using MyInfo via Singpass.

With 10X Reward points, you can earn up to 9,000 reward points every month for a monthly spend of S$1,000. Your Reward points equals four air miles for every dollar you spend with online purchases. You can redeem your rewards earned for restaurant dine-ins, household purchases, travel transactions, and can even offset your cash rebates via HSBC mobile app. You will also get to enjoy travel insurance worth S$300,000 for tickets bought using this card. 

There are exciting discounts of more than 10% that you can earn for dining and petrol. As the redemption lifespan of your rewards is up to three years, you get to save your points to redeem at the right time.

Annual Interest Fee and Rate

S$192.60 / 25.90%

Minimum Income Requirements

Singaporean/Permanent Resident: S$30,000

Non-Singaporean: S$40,000



Standard Chartered Rewards + Credit Card

Isn’t it nice to be rewarded for almost every credit card transaction you make? The Standard Chartered Rewards + Credit Card comes with exclusive rewards for both local and foreign expenses. 

New customers are eligible for a sum of cashback up to S$168 when you make three eligible transactions. You get to enjoy the first two years of the annual fee waived off with no minimum spend limits. 10X rewards points are awarded for every dollar you spend on online groceries and shopping. 5X rewards points are credited to you when you spend at local restaurants. For other expenses, you are eligible to earn 1X rewards points. With all these benefits, you can earn up to 20,000 rewards points every year. 

What’s more, you will get travelling insurance with medical coverage that is worth up to S$500,000. You also get to enjoy 10X rewards points for overseas purchases, travel and restaurant dine-ins. 

Annual Interest Fee and Rate

S$192.60 / 26.90%

Minimum Income Requirements

Singaporean/Permanent Resident: S$30,000

Non-Singaporean: S$60,000



American Express Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer Credit Card

If you spend most of your time purchasing flight tickets and travelling, then you should sign up for the American Express Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer Credit Card. 

As a part of your welcome bonus, you will get 5,000 KrisFlyer miles for the first time you use your card. You also stand a chance to win a brand new Acer Monitor KA242Y worth up to S$349 and up to 13,300 KrisFlyer miles by spending a minimum of S$3,000 within the first three months. 

Enjoy cashback worth S$150 when you spend more than S$12,000 on singaporeair.com. You also can earn up to S$200 per month on Grab. Your travel privileges include Travel Inconvenience & Travel Accident Benefits worth of S$350,000. With your first year fee waived, you can earn more KrisFlyer miles either in Singapore or overseas. 

Annual Interest Fee and Rate

S$176.55 / 26.90%

Minimum Income Requirements

Singaporean/Permanent Resident: S$30,000

Non-Singaporean: S$60,000



Standard Chartered Unlimited Cashback Credit Card

For daily expenses, sign up for the Standard Chartered Unlimited Cashback Credit Card. This card rewards you unlimited cashback without a cashback cap and no minimum payment. So, you don’t have to reach the minimum spending limit every time you spend. 

With 1.5% cashback rate on all eligible purchases, you get to enjoy dining discounts at your favourite restaurants all over Asia. This rate is applicable for every other transaction you make both online and in-store. It can also act as your EZ-link card. You have all you need in one card.

Annual Interest Fee and Rate

S$192.60 / 26.90%

Minimum Income Requirements

Singaporean/Permanent Resident: S$30,000

Non-Singaporean: S$60,000



Citi Rewards Card

Here’s another rewards card that is suitable for monthly expenses beyond S$1,000. Citi Rewards Card comes with exclusive rewards for online shopping and travelling miles points. Not to forget, new card users receive 30,000 Citi ThankYou Points for a spend of S$3,000 within the first three months. 

You can earn 10X Rewards on online purchases, grocery purchases, shopping, e-hailing services and food delivery payments which are equivalent to four air miles. There are also base reward points of 1X reward for every S$1 that you spend. With these rewards, you can easily earn up to 10,000 rewards points every month. 

With a lifespan of five years, you have plenty of time to redeem your points to any rewards found in the Citi ThankYou Rewards catalogue page. There are also shopping discounts for you to savour in Zalora and Qoo10. You can enjoy all these exclusives with your first year annual fee waived. 

Annual Interest Fee and Rate

S$192.60 / 26.90%

Minimum Income Requirements

Singaporean/Permanent Resident: S$30,000

Non-Singaporean: S$42,000



Reward Yourself With Singapore’s Best Promo Credit Cards

These sign up offers are exclusively made for new customers. Some deals are better than the other depending on the way you choose to use your credit card. Take note of the rewards and choose promo credit cards which will be constantly rewarding you with what you need the most to save some money. 




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