Mastercard Southest Asia (Sea) Golf Program at GLENMARIE (*Promo Expired)

Valid Until 31 Jan 2021
Mastercard Southest Asia Golf Programme
Exclusively for CIMB Enrich World Mastercard and CIMB World Mastercard credit card:
50% OFF Green Fees*
For other Southeast Asia participating golf clubs, please click here.
Exclusively for CIMB Enrich World Elite Mastercard:
Complimentary Green Fees*
For other Southeast Asia participating golf clubs, please click here.
Promotion valid from 16 January 2019 till 31 January 2021
Terms and Conditions apply.
Payment must be made with a CIMB Enrich World Elite Mastercard, CIMB Enrich World Mastercard and CIMB World Mastercard credit card.
Offer is not valid in conjunction with other promotions, discounts or offers, and cannot be used with other promotion, participation in corporate golf events, private golf events or golf tournaments.
Offer is valid only for Principal cardholder of CIMB Enrich World Elite Mastercard, CIMB Enrich World Mastercard and CIMB World Mastercard credit card holders.
All golf bookings must be made by eligible CIMB Bank cardholder at least five (5) working days in advance but not more than (14) days ahead of the tee-off date (not including the date of bookings and tee off date), via website at or by contacting Mastercard Concierge Service at 1800-88-6882.
CIMB Bank cardholders will be required to pay all buggy fees, caddy fees, locker fee, taxes, service charges, insurance fees and other ancillary charges at normal published rates as required by the golf club.
Bookings are subject to availability of golf tee-times.
CIMB World Mastercard are only entitled to play a maximum of four (4) times at each participating Golf Club per calendar year and 2 rounds a month.
CIMB World Mastercard cardholder can only hold a maximum of one (1) advanced booking for golf clubs in Malaysia and cannot make further bookings until the current booked games have been played.
Any amendments or cancellations bookings other than Korea must be made at least three (3) working days prior to the tee-off time via website or Apexlynx LeisureSport Pte Ltd via ( and will not be accepted if cardholder contact golf course directly.
Any amendments and cancellation for bookings made in Korea which must be made at least five (5) working days prior to tee-off date for all participating golf clubs via website or Apexlynx LeisureSport Pte Ltd via ( and will not be accepted if cardholder contact golf course directly.
Cardholder shall pay published rates for late cancellation, late arrivals or no-shows and games will be treated as played and one round from the primary Cardholder’s golf entitlement will be deducted.
An amendment fee of USD10 + applicable GST shall apply for any changes, include bit are not limited to, adding a golfer from existing booking; requesting for a change in date or time after confirmation of the booking.
For full terms & conditions, kindly refer to