Bank Rakyat Muslimah Card

Bank Rakyat Muslimah Card

Annual Fee : Free
Interest Rate : 13.5% p.a.
Minimal Income :
21 and above
WAIVED with NO condition
20 days
13.5% p.a.

The Muslimah Card is the latest Credit Card-i issued by Bank Rakyat specifically for women. It is the one and only shariah-compliant Credit Card-i for women in Malaysia.


  • Annual Fee: WAIVED with NO condition.
  • NO compounding element.
  • FREE Group Family Takaful Coverage and ‘Khairat Kematian’. Coverage includes guaranteed repayment of outstanding finances accrued through Credit Card-i usage.
  • 0% Mark Up Rate for overseas transactions (NO additional fees on currency exchange for overseas transactions).
  • 0% Instalment Plan facility for retail purchases of RM1,000 & above.
- NO Processing Fee
- NO Penalty Charge for full settlement
  • Birthday Rewards*
  • LOW  profit rate under the Credit Card-i Tiered Pricing Structure.
Tier Criteria Yearly Profit Rate
Tier 1: Minimum payment received before or on the Due Date for 9 months consecutively. Non-Bank Rakyat Share Member 13.5 %
Bank Rakyat Share Member 13.0 %
Tier 2: Minimum payment received before or on the Due Date for 6 months or more within 9 months period. Non-Bank Rakyat Share Member 17 %
Bank Rakyat Share Member 15.5 %
Tier 3: Does not meet the above conditions for Tier 1 and Tier 2. Non-Bank Rakyat Share Member 18 %
Bank Rakyat Share Member 17 %
Note: The tiered pricing is not applicable for Bank Rakyat staff.
  • Rakyat Rewards
1 point is given to cardholder every RM10 spent. The point would then be converted to cash at the rate of RM0.10 per 10 points.
  • Profit Rebate (Tabung Rakyat Rewards).The rebate schedule as per below:
Descriptions Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Auto Debit facility 0.5 % 0.5 % 0.5 %
Good Paymaster 1.0 % 1.0 % 1.5 %
Other Bank Rakyat Financing Facility 0.5 % 1.0 % 1.0 %
Total Rebate 
(Tabung Rakyat Rewards)
2.0 % 2.5 % 3.0 %
  • Zakat payment– Card is accepted for zakat payment.
  • Discount for Mail Order/ Telephone Order (MOTO):
Privileges and special discounts under the Bank’s MOTO program. The program promotions will be sent together with the monthly Credit Card-i statement from time to time.

  • Transactions at non-halal merchants will be declined.
  • Overseas Transaction and Online Purchase :  For security purpose, please contact our Bank Rakyat Card Centre at 03-2693 6880 before made any overseas and/or online transactions.


Other Credit Cards
AmBank Gold MasterCard / Visa Card
AmBank Gold MasterCard / Visa Card
Annual Fee : Free
Interest Rate : 13.5% p.a.
Minimal Income : * Citizen RM2,000.00
AmBank Islamic Visa Signature Card-i
AmBank Islamic Visa Signature Card-i
Annual Fee : Free
Interest Rate : 13.5% p.a.
Minimal Income : * Citizen RM6666
AFFINBANK Touch n Go Classic
AFFINBANK Touch n Go Classic
Annual Fee : RM50.00
Interest Rate : 13.5% p.a.
Minimal Income : * Citizen RM2,000.00